When what you love becomes work. I felt this pretty hard.
When what you love becomes work. I felt this pretty hard.
Scariest ending ever.
First of all, insanely funny. Great comedic timing, but also, I wanna mention that awesome transition from Karen holding the hat to her opening the casket. Awesome stuff!
This is absolutely adorable, dude! I love it. You built up such a great chemistry for these two with minimal dialog and sound. Amazing execution..literally and figuratively.
Dude, I saw Beautiful Day at LAAF the other day and it was so cool experiencing it on a big screen. Great work with this one, as usual.
that's awesome thanks for watching! lots of great stuff played there
Short and sweet, but masterfully animated. I love the dreamlike flow of this. The POV shot transition to Senia going into the ramp was excellently done.
I had a deadline and hard to keep it short so it would be consistent. I think it worked out for the best that way :D
Cyclops' teeth terrify me...
Fun idea, great execution.
Really cool how you had a super big range of background characters. I like when artists don't confine themselves and explore different ideas in one piece. I got some Luca vibes from the setting, for sure. One detail I loved was the shoes falling out of frame and then popping back up when the kid started swimming to the surface. It's such a tiny thing that I wouldn't have noticed, had you had left it out, but because you didn't, it added a wonderful sense of continuity.
Great work!
thanks for your messageā¼
Great short, western cartoons are always fun and I felt this had almost like Adventure Time vibes by way of Dr. Seuss. Congrats on getting someone as big as Quinton for your project!
90s/2000s encyclopedia from LI, now in LA
Award Winning Screenwriter
Creator: Failing Upward and Starstruck
Writer @ ShockWave Studios on Animation Station
Joined on 8/13/22